Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols

  • Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols
  • 0 Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols
  • 1 Pretest: Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols 5:00
  • 2 Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols 23:00
  • Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols
  • 0 Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols
  • 1 Pretest: Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols 5:00
  • 2 Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols 23:00

Sign Language Interpreting: The Benefits of Think Aloud Protocols

Knowledge lean and knowledge rich metacognitive skills demostrated through Think Aloud Protocols are discussed in terms of strategies for leveraging interpreting practice.

This course is Professional Studies (PS).

Lessons : 2
Videos : 1 videos
Completion time : 28 minutes
Taking class : 32 users
Downloads : 1 files
CEU : 0.06
Available on : Mobile, tablet, desktop
Rating :

Marty Taylor

Marty M. Taylor, PhD, COI, CSC, is the author of two seminal books, Interpretation Skills: American Sign Language to English and Interpretation Skills: English to American Sign Language. She is the founder and CEO of Interpreting Consolidated, a company formed to provide consultation, evaluation, research, and publishing services to interpreting communities worldwide.

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Amplab is an approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. StreetLeverage - Edu classes are eligible for Professional Studies or General Studies CEUs at the Little/None and Some Content Knowledge levels. Please contact for specific inquires on policies related to earning CEUs.

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