Deaf-Parented Interpreters: A Challenge to the Status Quo in Sign Language Interpreter Education?

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Lessons : 2
Videos : 1 videos
Completion time : 31 minutes
Taking class : 47 users
Downloads : 1 files
CEU : .06
Available on : Mobile, tablet, desktop
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Amy Williamson

Chat with Instructor A displaced southerner. A bilingual child of Deaf parents. A lover of the desert southwest. A former foster parent. A traveler...5 continents down, 2 to go. Amy Williamson landed in Vermont 12 years ago after living in NC, DC, AZ, Micronesia, VA, and Alaska. She is the mama of 2 sweet boys who are filled with mischief and magic, vim and vigor. They are Otis, 8 and Ben Sky, 6. Amy also has a 20 year old daughter, Mika, who is a 2nd year student at RIT. Amy is the daughter of Mary Ella Scarboro Williamson and Barney Williamson, both teachers for almost 30 years at the Eastern NC School for the Deaf. She has worked as a sign language interpreter since graduating from high school and actually LOVES the work she does. She is an interpreter by choice, not by birth.

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