Carla M. Mathers, Esquire, has practiced law since 1993. She currently serves as General Counsel and Legal Program Manager for TCS Associates Interpreting. Ms. Mathers teaches legal interpreting for the DOIT Center of the University of Northern Colorado, consults with interpreters, attorneys and courts throughout the country, and is a member of the NCIEC Legal Interpreting Work Group. She is an adjunct instructor for the Gallaudet University Department of Interpretation where she has taught legal interpreting, among other courses. Ms. Mathers is the author of Sign Language Interpreters in Court: Understanding Best Practices, a text for interpreters, attorneys and courts to understand the principles underlying ASL court interpreting.
Perception Conflicts: The Role of Sign Language Interpreters in Court
Carla’s talk examines the perspective of court interpreters from the point of view of the court and the attorneys.
Strategies for Addressing Perception Conflicts Between Courts and Sign Language Interpreters
This workshop will present a number of suggestions for creating change in the working relationships between courts and court interpreters. The workshop aims to illustrate that reasonable minds can differ regarding the role and function of the court interpreter without compromising the work, while developing a more realistic perspective on courts and attorneys.