Participants will learn about anti-oppression models that can be incorporated into their daily interpreting practices.
Dates & Locations
January 31 – Feb 1st | Charlotte, NC | REGISTER NOW
February 21 – 22nd | San Antonio, TX | REGISTER NOW
March 21 – 22nd | Portland, OR | REGISTER NOW
September 19 – 20th | Rochester, NY | REGISTER NOW
October 3 – 4th | St. Paul, MN | REGISTER NOW
Presentation Description
This workshop aims to create space to examine how sign language interpreters can approach others and how to increase our care when having difficult conversations. Participants will learn about anti-oppression models that can be incorporated into their daily interpreting practices. Through discussions, role play, and self analysis participants will begin a journey to become change agents by shifting from critical thoughts to reflective interventions.
Presenter Bio
Dr. Dave J. Coyne is an Assistant Professor in the American Sign Language Interpreting Studies program for the Department of Classical and Modern Languages at the University of Louisville. His research focuses on promoting social justice and allyship behaviors in the interpreting field. More specifically, he is interested in promoting critical thinking, community-building, and principles of social justice; linking interpreters’ ability to reestablish connections with community members and Deaf individuals’ autonomy.