In addition to the many other activities taking place during Interpreter Education Month (IEM), we are pleased to share a couple of additional things to help round out the month.
CIT Membership Discount
CIT is extending StreetLeverage subscribers a 15% discount on an annual membership package. Note, to qualify for this discount membership dues must be paid prior to December 31st, 2014.
CIT membership benefits are as follows:
- Subscription to the International Journal of Interpreter Education
- Access to the members only section on CIT’s webpage
- Reduced rates for the CIT conference
- Quarterly electronic newsletters and monthly electronic updates
- Access to contacts, resources and correspondences in the members-only section
- Networking opportunities
- Access to Proceedings of past CIT conferences
- Annual listing in the on-line Membership Directory
Not subscribed to StreetLeverage? Subscribe now to be eligible.
* StreetLeverage will be releasing the discount to StreetLeverage subscribers on October 20, 2014.
CIT Curated Reading List
Doug Bowen-Bailey and the members of CIT have curated a cross-section of StreetLeverage articles they have found most helpful in creating meaningful discussions with their students.
* StreetLeverage will be releasing the list in the coming weeks.