Stacey Storme

Stacey Storme

Stacey Storme was born and raised in Colorado as a native bilingual in both ASL and English. She is eternally grateful to her older sister, Drei, along with the Deaf and interpreting communities in Greeley and Denver, Colorado for helping shape her into who she is today. Currently, Stacey resides in Overland Park, KS with her incredible wife of 10 1/2 years, soul-searching son, 3 beautiful daughters, 2 loving dogs and 1 “stray” cat. During the school year she works with a great team at Johnson County Community College to help prepare students for entry into the stimulating and growing field of interpreting. She is also co-owner of Storme Consultants and practices interpreting whenever possible.


Self-Awareness: How Sign Language Interpreters Acknowledge Privilege and Influence

Stacey will lead us through an exploration and acknowledgement of the impact privilege and oppression can have on the practice and self-awareness of sign language interpreters.


Sign Language Interpreters: Unpacking Privilege to Find Career Growth and Opportunity 

Stacey will introduce participants to various strategies and tools useful in unpacking privilege and provide an opportunity to consider how sensitivity to privilege provides career growth and opportunity for sign language interpreters.

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