CIT 2014 – Workshop | Breaking the Mold of Tokenism: Interpreter Education Program – Community Alliances Through Service Learning



This presentation addresses the role interpreter education programs play in emphasizing fundamental community values in their curricula. Presenters will discuss ‘breaking the mold of tokenism’ as it relates to re-centering the Deaf community within interpreter education programs and instilling a mindset of ‘interpreter-as-ally’ in future practitioners. We will explore the concept of ‘boundary work’ with interpreting students and provide strategies for programs and individuals to partner with the Deaf community to reach its goals. Participants in this session will learn how to prepare students for mapping the local Deaf community’s assets as a form of strength-based assessment and joining forces with community partners to solve problems or meet needs that the community deems are valid. The presentation stresses key concepts of oppression and ‘dysconscious audism’ that must be avoided in community-interpreter alliances where the goal is to empower and build trust with community partners.


Eileen Forestal, Sherry Shaw

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